Another Successful Litter Pickup

Pictured from left to right John Sires, Kelly Clark, Geoff Gauger, Mike Makowski, Erik Wehe, and Randy Logan

A group of seven club members concluded a litter pickup of a 2-mile stretch of Farm to Market 474 the first Saturday of May. It took less than two hours to collect seven bags of inconsiderately thrown litter. This is less than what has been collected previously, so there must be more attention being paid to not indiscriminately throw trash from vehicles.

John Hawley, the event organizer, obtained reflective vests and bags from the State’s Adopt-A-Highway program coordinator and provided grabbers to prevent having to stoop over to pick up the litter by hand. His taking on the responsibility of organizing the event was much appreciated by the crew.

Pictured are the Club members who contributed to the success of this event. They are Randy Logan, Mike Makowski, John Sires, Rick Wehe, Geoff Gauger, and Kelly Clark. John Hawley was the photographer.

It was a perfect day weatherwise to undertake this task. The temperatures were in the lower 70s with a cloud cover to prevent sun exposure. The mosquitoes, however, did not take the day off and were omni present.

Road view of the Pecan Grove Store

When the group completed its task, the group headed to the Pecan Grove Store outside Fredericksburg for burgers and camaraderie.

The next Adopt-A-Highway litter pickup is scheduled for July 20th.