Club Certifies 25 Lifesavers

Life’s full of possibilities and you never know when you could be called upon to save someone’s life. After attending the Club sponsored “You Are the Help Until Help Arrives” course there are now twenty-five folks trained with the skills necessary to help someone who is seriously injured and in need of life-saving aid.

John Sires, Club President, arranged the course to help ensure one or more folks taking part in Club rides can lend their life saving skills should it become necessary. Frank Dickey led the course held July 13th and was supported by four volunteer trainers with professional emergency response experience. The free 90-minute course consisted of lectures followed by hands-on exercises. The class was attended by Club members, members of the Mystic Shores community, and friends. Each of them took away essential lifesaving skills along with a certificate as evidence of their new skills.

One can only hope one of these individuals is nearby should a lifesaving situation arise.

Trauma is the leading cause of death in Americans under the age of 45. Folks suffering such serious injuries can often avoid death if immediate action is taken. Those nearest to the injured person are best positioned to immediately provide that first care. The “You Are the Help Until Help Arrives” course equips students with basic, critical action skills to help sustain and potentially save lives during a life-threatening emergency until medical help arrives. The topics include:

  • How to communicate with 911 operators.
  • Act to protect the injured from further harm.
  • Position the Injured.
  • Stop life-threating bleeding.
  • Provide emotional support.

If you missed this session, there are many opportunities to learn these skills from a variety of sources. Google the Internet to learn about these opportunities. Who knows, you could be that someone in a position to save another’s life.