Survey: Hill Country Hangout was a Success

A brief survey taken of cyclists attending the Hill Country Hangout held April 19-21 revealed the Hangout was incredibly popular. Of the respondents, 100% said their experience at the Hangout was either one of the best or better than most rallies they have ever attended with the same 100% stating they wouldn’t miss another one!

Everyone concurred the venue being held in the Hill Country city of Kerrville was overwhelmingly excellent while the Kerrville-Schreiner Park campgrounds were determined to be excellent as well. Respondents provided some suggestions that may help improve the terrific location next time. These included having a greeter at the gate to facilitate entry and increase the sensitivity of the automatic gate to recognize motorcycles at the exit point.

Input concerning the food choices and importance of organized activities such as the 50/50 and poker run were a mixed bag. As for the brats, brisket, and Hill Country Beans offerings at dinner, 59% agreed they were good, 31% said excellent and 10% said they were fair. The importance of the organized activities to the attendees shows 60% felt they strongly agreed they are important while 40% agreed or neither agreed nor disagreed the activities were important to them. Several folks provided suggestions for enhancing the activity offerings. These include a tour of Kerrville, a Friday ride, and provide entertainment Saturday night such as a campfire, outdoor motorcycle related movie, music or guest speaker, and a presentation of the club and its activities to generate interest in the San Antonio BMW Riders Association events and activities.

Folks learned about the Hangout in various ways. Most learned of the event from fellow cyclists or the friends of the attendees (44%). MOA magazine ads also brought about a large amount of interest in the event (19%). The remaining ways folks learned of the event was though members of San Antonio BMW Riders Association and its website, 29% and 7%, respectively. A single respondent found out about it from an email.

The cost of admission for the fun, food, and comradery came in the form of a fee. The survey results demonstrated the fee to attend the event was overwhelmingly reasonable with 83% responding they strongly agreed while the remining 17% found the fee to be reasonable.

A written statement from one extremely appreciative respondent wrote “The event was excellent as it was conducted. I really appreciate the effort that went into the planning, preparation, and execution of the event.”

The response rate of the survey was 40% of the 72 survey recipients.